Thursday, November 6, 2014

Video Post: What is a Trust? What is a Living Trust?

A short video to tell you the basics.

What is a Trust?

A trust can help you reduce your taxes, protect your assets from creditors, and completely avoid otherwise mandatory court processes, yet 90% of the people I talk to everyday have no idea what a trust is.
Most people think that a Will is good enough estate planning. IT IS NOT! Never stop your estate planning at a Will. It is a good start, but it is far from a COMPLETE estate plan.
Although a Will is generally cheaper to create than a Trust, there are many pitfalls of a Will. For example: A Will requires you to go through those mandatory court processes that a Trust keeps you out of: Probate. 
Watch this video to understand exactly "What is a Trust?" By understanding how simple it is to create a Trust, hopefully, you will no longer be scared to create one.